Executive Director, ERI@N
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Prof Madhavi is the Executive Director of Energy Research Institute (ERI@N) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and NTU Sustainability office. She is the co-Director of SCARCE (Singapore-CEA alliance for research in Circular economy), a joint lab with French Alternative energies and atomic energy commission (CEA, France) focusing on recycling of e-waste. Her research focuses on circular economy with an emphasis on novel sustainable energy storage solutions and recycling of e-waste.
She has won several prestigious awards including 2019 Asia’s top Sustainability Superwomen, L’Oreal for Women in Science National Fellowships, Great Women of Our Time given by Singapore Women’s Weekly Magazine and National Research Foundation (NRF) Investigatorship award, awarded to top scientists in Singapore by NRF. She is among the top 1% highly cited researcher worldwide by Clarivate analytics and is also recognized as Top 2% scientists worldwide by Stanford University.