Co-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer
William “Bill” Townsend is co-founder of Anew, the largest climate company in North America resulting from the 2022 combination of durational industry leaders Bluesource and Element Markets. He founded the Bluesource Companies, where he held the role of Chairman and oversaw the company’s rapid growth into an established market-maker, advisor and capital source for North American environmental markets, creating environmental emission reductions from over 20 technologies across 47 states and 5 Canadian provinces. Under his tenure in 2006, Bluesource and partners announced the formation of the first US-based carbon fund of $1 billion for investments, exclusively, in climate change reduction projects in North America.
Bill was the co-founder of the Petro Source Companies, a group of companies that gathered, transported, refined and marketed hydrocarbons. He is former Chairman of the Life@Work Companies, which published faith-based business media and won Folios in editorial development and design. As Chairman and co-founder of LifeSource, a foundation dedicated to pain management, Bill initiated a 2011 national campaign to stop accidental deaths due to legally-prescribed medications. Bill is the founder or co-founder of several dozen companies in energy, chemicals, consulting, finance and environment. Through a privately-held investment fund, more than a dozen other start-ups in the not-for and for profit space of faith, culture and character have been launched or nourished. Bill is the past Board Chair of People of the Second Chance, Relevate, Axiom, and K2 the Church Trustees.